Wednesday 26 October 2011


The motivation for the writing of this book came through discussions with my former colleague over the last 10 years. He has been sharing with me information from his research concerning the unfolding world events in the political and economic front in the light of Scripture. I started to read, study and research on what he told me.

At that time, I also received the call to full-time ministry and the Lord impressed upon my heart the urgency of the message that it is not business as usual but the world is heading toward the formation of the satanic kingdom of the Anti-Christ as a study of the book of Revelation, Daniel, Matthew 24-25 revealed. The Second Coming of Christ is God’s solution for mankind from the clutches of this evil system. A time of God’s judgment is coming. The only way to escape God’s coming judgement is faith in Jesus Christ! This is the privilege that we have been bestowed by the Almighty God to proclaim - the message to a lost and dying world that “Only Jesus Saves.”

The late principal of Far Eastern Bible College led the night class in early 2001 to study the subject on Eschatology – the study of the Last Things, detailing the world events unveiling before our very eyes fulfilling prophesies of Scripture leading to the Second Coming of Christ. How much time do we have? The class was led in the singing of the song “The Last, Last Hour” with words adapted by Dr SH Tow to the hymn “O Master Let Me Walk with Thee” by H Percy Smith (1825-1898), I felt the urgency of the message, as we were transported to the very gates of heaven to receive this heavenly mandate:

The Sunset burns in western sky, upon the air a warning cry.
The siren wails from tower to tower, dear brethren, ‘tis the last, last hour.

Then came the infamous 11 Sept 2001 attack on the twin towers in New York City. America was attacked. It really seemed like the last dark hours of history. My response is penned the words “Our Loved Ones”:

Our loved ones do we bring to God
In prayer pleading for their souls
For His great mercy on their lot
That heaven be our common hope.

Dear reader, it is my desire that reading this book will lead you to faith in the living and true God, Jesus Christ. With the eyes of faith, this book will help you to see, prepare and to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 4). We have to stand separated from this rising kingdom of the Anti-Christ.

The steps toward political unity come first with economic unity. We are seeing this happening before our very eyes with a coming economic meltdown the world has never seen. Today, the first world nations – US, Europe and Japan which makes up nearly 50% of the world’s economic activities are in national debts that they cannot get out except there will come a reset in the world economic system. This is the precursor to the rise of a one world economic system. I will quote from many current news excerpts to help us follow the formation this Anti-Christ kingdom. The root of the problem is sin. I shall try to expose this so that we can protect ourselves from the enslavement of this system that is subtle and deceptive. Dear readers, we must take the first step to set our own spiritual house in order.

Lek Aik Wee
17 August 2011

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